Extensions Report Fields

Last updated: 2024-04-17Contributors
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In RingCentral RingCX Digital, we can enable extensions.

Each extension may append columns to existing csv or provide new exports.

Customer Satisfaction(Export::Responses)

Note: Sometimes customers reply to the same survey several times, we take their last submission.

Export name responses
Incremental availability Yes
Time filtering Responded time
Column Name Description Type Example Comment
responded_at Survey Response date Datetime 23/08/2013 12:15
satisfaction_response_id Provider response ID String 42 Provider is Alchemer (formerly Survey Gizmo)
satisfaction_survey_id Provider survey ID String 987654321 Provider is Alchemer (formerly Survey Gizmo)
content_thread_id Content Thread ID ObjectId 55cdaade77656222d500061d
intervention_id Intervention ID ObjectId 55dc83d677656254ca000a2e
intervention_categories Intervention categories String SAV, Important, etc
user_id Agent ID ObjectId 55cda687776562377900083d
user_name Agent name String Pierre Dupont
identity_id Respondent ID ObjectId 55cda7bd7765622b58000735
identity_name Respondent name ObjectId Paul Martin Sensitive
main_indicator Selected answer value of the main_question Integer 4
question_x Question x String Are you satisfied ? X is 1 to max number of survey question Be careful in case of automation there will be as may question_x answer_x than there are question in the survey(s) This mean that this may change if the survey change
answer_x Answer x String Yes, it’s awesome X is 1 to max number of survey question Be careful in case of automation there will be as many question_x answer_x than there are questions in the survey(s) This means that this may change if the survey change
source_id Source ID ObjectId 55cda687776562377900083d
source_name Source Name String My Facebook Page
source_type Source type String Facebook
id ED internal response ID ObjectId 61796662713368469afc0c18
survey_id ED internal survey id ObjectId 61785f135bd54419e99ba270
survey_type Survey provider type String alchemer Currently only Alchemer (formerly Survey Gizmo)
question_x_foreign_id Question x ID from provider String 14 X is 1 to max number of survey question Be careful in case of automation there will be as many question_x answer_x than there are questions in the survey(s) This means that this may change if the survey change
answer_x_value Answer x internal value String 5 Referred to as “reporting value” in Alchemer. Identical to answer_x for questions that allow custom text from customer. X is 1 to max number of survey question Be careful in case of automation there will be as many question_x answer_x than there are questions in the survey(s) This means that this may change if the survey change


Interventions Satisfactions(Export::Interventions)

The following columns will be added to Interventions csv.

This export can be incremental.

Column Name Description Type Example / Comment
satisfaction_grade Satisfaction grade Integer 4
satisfaction_sent_at Satisfaction sent date Datetime 07/10/2013 11:52
satisfaction_answered_at Satisfaction answer date Datetime 07/10/2013 11:52
satisfaction_response_id Gizmo Response ID String 729
satisfaction_survey_id Gizmo Survey ID String 1284489

Reply Assistant

Knowledge Base(Export::ReplyAssistantKnowledgeBaseVersions)

Export name reply_assistant-knowledge_base
Incremental availability No
Time filtering No

Export of all knowledge base entries for reply assistant

Column Name Description Type Example / Comment
foreign_id Entry identifier String 4
label Label String Contact Agent by private message
number Version number Integer 1
body Body Text Hi, please reach us by private message, Thanks.
language Language String en
categories Categories Array Mobile, Simcard
sources Sources Array My Facebook Page, My Twitter
group Group String Default Group
id Version ID ObjectId ID of the given object
entry_id Entry ID ObjectId ID of the entry containing this version

Entry Groups(Export::ReplyAssistantEntryGroups)

Export name reply_assistant-entry_groups
Incremental availability No
Time filtering No

Export of all reply assistant entry groups

Column Name Description Type Example / Comment
created_at Creation Date Datetime 23/08/2013 12:15
id ID ObjectId 4f4f3a08a90ffb27ee000583
name Name of the group entry String Commercial help
autocomplete Enable autocomplete in reply assistant Boolean true
entry_count Entry count Integer 12
entry_ids Entries IDs Array 5240b1bca90ffbb6c7000006, 4340b1bca90debb6c7003333


Export name reply_assistant-sentences
Incremental availability No
Time filtering No

Export of all sentences for reply assistant

Column Name Description Type Example / Comment
body Body Text
label Label String
language Language String en
number Version number Integer 1
sources Sources Array My Facebook Page, My Twitter

Sentiment Analysis

Messages sentiment(Export::Contents)

The following columns will be added to Messages csv.

This export can be incremental.

Column Name Description Type Example / Comment
sentiment_text Sentiment (as text) Text negative, neutral or positive